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You can choose your language settings from within the program. Shaiya Private Server Shaiya Top 1. SHAIYA MYTHEpisode 5 Pv. P, Grinding, Faraming and Boss Hunting, Max Level 6. Max Lapis Lv. 7, EXP Rate x. KILL Rate x. 2, No Custom Items, Ending equipments Lv. No Lucky Charm, No Knockout Nostrum, FREE 3. Days CRR, PID, EE, Shaiya Points can be obtained through Vote, Pv. P Rewards and In Game JOIN US. The best Shaiya server youve never seen before Epsiode 5, Max Level 7. EXP Rate x. 50 Double in weekend, KILL Rate x. Max Lapis Lv. 6, Elemental Lapis Lv. NO Custom Items, Active and friendly staff team. Shaiya Points can be obtained through Vote, Pv. P Rewards and In Game. Shaiya top 1. 00, 2. Shaiya Myth. 2. 01. Episode 5 Pv. P, Grinding, Faraming and Boss Hunting, Max Level 6. Max Lapis Lv. 7, EXP Rate x. KILL Rate x. 2, No Custom Items, Ending equipments Lv. No Lucky Charm, No Knockout Nostrum, FREE 3. HROjFYsOv_8/0.jpg' alt='4Story Private Server' title='4Story Private Server' />Create your own custom mmorpg server, indepth tutorials, support. Top mmorpg servers for gives you the possibility to know the newest and best premium private servers, or if you own a server adds it to the top to gain traffic. MMO and MMORPG Developments Free MMO and MMORPG server files for you to create your own MMOMMORPG server and more Maple Destiny is a longtime running, low rate, nostalgic v83 MapleStory private server. We pride ourselves on fun gameplay, that will pull at your childhood memories. Days CRR, PID, EE, Shaiya Points can be obtained through Vote, Pv. P Rewards and In Game. JOIN US Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Chaos. 2. 01. Story Private Server' title='4Story Private Server' />Episode 5 Relic Of Mystra Pv. P, Grinding, Faraming and Boss Hunting Max Level 7. Max Lapis Lv. 6 EXP Rate x. KILL Rate x. 2 No Custom Items Ending equipments lv. No Knockout Nostrum Auto Renew 3. Days Consumables SP can be obtained through vote system Come and check us Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Diverge Ep 5. Episode 5 Max Level 7. Pv. P Areas 1. 5,3. EXP Rate x. 50 KILL Rate x. Linking Rate Max Linking Chance is 5. Free Ending Gears for Pv. P areas 1. 5,3. 0,6. Shaiya top 1. 00, 2. Mshaiya. 2. 01. 2 0. MShaiya is an EP 5. DDo. S Protected server with active and dedicated Staff. The server is exploit patched with no lag. Friendly community, Events, Pv. P Focus, x. 20. 0XP, x. Kill, Maximum level of 8. Level up, get gold,get rr runes for orange stats your ready for pvp Shaiya top 1. Cryptic Shaiya V2. Free Ep 6. 3 server, instant level 8. Great staff Great regular events. Auto rank rewards. Shaiya top 1. 00, 2. SHAIYA EXCALIBUR. New Server Shaiya Excalibur Episode 4,5, Max Level 6. Exp x. 60, Simple Drop, Kill x. DDOS Protected, No Debuff Lapis, Max Lapis LV6, ABS LV 5, 6, Enchant Weapons 1. Enchant EQ 1. 5, No Nos, Pv. P Rewards. JOIN US Shaiya top 1. League of Shaiya. League of Shaiya it is a free server made for players that dont want to farm months to get readdy for pvp. Join us and in few hours will be readdy to kill everything that moves in game. Free gold, free lapis, instant level, 5. Shaiya top 1. 00, 2. Shaiya Prototype. Hello guys, Reopening of Shaiya Prototype server You like challenges Join us and discover this mysterious worldShaiya top 1. Spectral Shaiya. 2. Custom Pv. P Server Episode 4 Brand New Level 6. Low Stat Server Kill Rate x. Custom Skills Free Starter Set For Shared Raid Kills Many Free Items Free GM Rolls Pv. P Rewards Monthly Event Calendar Lv. Max Lapis No GM Links Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Real Ep. 5. Pv. P Areas 1. 5 3. GRB Schedule Every Saturday, 9. PM EXP Rate x. 15. KILL Rate x. 2 NO Custom Items, Max Lapis Lv. FREE Shaiya Points by Vote Pv. P rewards DDo. S Protected Server Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Victoria III. Server PLEN,Exp rate x. Classic sets, Debuff lapis, Max enchant 1. Donation for laze, Active Straff Team. DDOS Protected, Pv. PPv. E system, max lapis lv. Join US Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Equal. 2. 01. Shaiya Equal Episode 4. Type Pv. Pv. E Kill rate x. EXP rate x. 50 Max equipment Lv. Lv. 6 Lapis No Overpowered. Donation points vote, donate. Max Level 6. 0 Shaiya top 1. Garmin Usb Driver Mac Os X on this page. Shaiya Critical. 2. Shaiya Critical EP 5. Typ Pv. Pv. E Kill rate x. EXP rate x. 30. 0 keine Dbuff Lapis Pv. P Belohnung Gratis BelohnungShaiya Points vote, spenden Max Level 7. Max Lapis Lvl 7 Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Arcania. 2. Shaiya Arcania, EP 5. Pv. P Server, Final Gears in AH NPCs, Balanced Classes, Faster PVP, Gold based server economy, costumes, instant level, Battlefield Runes and much more features, check it out Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Old. 2. 01. Episode 4. 5 EXP Rate x. KILL Rate x. 1 Old Style Shaiya Grinding, Questing, Boss Hunts and Pv. P No Custom Items No Debuff Lapis No knockout Nostrum Check us Shaiya top 1. SHAIYA 4. EVER. 2. Episode 4. 5, x. 30 EXP, x. KILL, DDo. S Protected. SHAIYA 4. EVER is a Shaiya Private Server for Episode 4 Enthusiast. Experience the Grind, Boss Hunts and Massive Pv. P once again. THIS IS THE BEST SHAIYA EP4 EVERShaiya top 1. Shaiya Destruction. Tudo Personalizado Especialmente para voc, Montarias, Fantasias, Pets, Asas, Armas e Sets Exclusivos TUDO 1. Dropavel Drop de Aps 1. Episodio 7 com PVP bolado LV9. Eventos Especiais Kill X1. Shaiya top 1. 00, 2. Legends Of Shaiya. Willkommen bei Legend of Shaiya,hier knnt Ihr in die Wunderbare und fantastische Welt von Shaiya eintauchen Was wir bieten Max Lv. L 9. 0 7ner Lapise 9. Mntel Die meisten Items sind erfarmbar auch die End Rssi Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Vanguard. 2. Episode 5 Official, Pv. P, Grinding, Faraming and Boss Hunting, Max Level 7. Max Lapis Lv. 6, Instant Level, KILL Rate x. No Custom Items, Ending equipments Lv. No Knockout Nostrum, FREE 3. Days CRR, PID, EE Join US Today Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Anatolia. 2. Anatolia ep. 5 ,Max Lapis Sv. Max enchant 1. 4,New Design Costume,New Map,New Pet,New Wing Shaiya top 1. Sanctuary Shaiya. Sanctuary Shaiya is an Ep 5. PVPPVE private server with EP 4. EP 4. 5 has 2. 2 maps of there own Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Edge. 2. 01. New and Best Server Ever Shaiya EdgeEpisode 4. Pv. P, Grinding, Faraming and Boss Hunting, Max Level 6. Max Lapis Lv. 5, EXP Rate x. Only in week x. 10. KILL Rate x. 5, No Custom Items, Ending equipments Goddess, No Knockout Nostrum, active and friendly Staff and More US TODAY Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Tilanyth. 2. Episode 4. 5, Max Level 6. Custom Stuff, Custom Bosses, New Boss in 1. Pv. P, Pv. P Reward System, All Items Farmable, Kills x. Weekly Events, No Debuff Lapis Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Imperium. 2. Shaiya Imperium Episode 5 Relic Of Mystra 4. Pv. P Areas 1. 5 3. GRB Schedule Every Saturday, 9. PM EXP Rate x. 50 KILL Rate x. NO Custom Items, Max Lapis Lv. FREE Shaiya Points by Vote Pv. P rewards DDo. S Protected Server Shaiya top 1. Soul of Shaiya. 2. Soul of Shaiya Episode 6, level max 8. EXP rate 1. 00. 0X Kill rate is 5. X Pv. P Pv. E System Dedicated Staff for help No lagg Many events DDOS Protected. Join now Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Epsilon Episiode 5. Shaiya Epsilon Episode 5. Client Max Level 7. Getting Started Level 7. KILL x. 1 Lapis Rate Operator Attractive 5. Lapis Max Lapis Lv. Elemental Lapis Sv. Inter Party PM, Clearing, Review Costumes, Pets and Wings are in game store Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Street. Life. Deutscher EP 5 Server EXP x. Max Level 7. 0 Gelegentliche Events Pv. P Events mit Killboost Kein Donation Netter Support Shaiya top 1. SHAIYA EFSANE EW EP 5 SERVER Shaiya Efsane is a new EP 5 Server with Instans levels, 1. Everything is obtainable ingame, even Donation gear can be farmed by collecting Letters for EPEfsane PointsPv. E and Pv. P Server with easy farming and boss Hunting For more Info visit Webpage Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Burning Rage. Shaiya Burning Rage Server Episode 54 Frags score x. Events x. 40 Balanced Donate Maximum level 7. Maximum clothing level 7. Maximum weapon level 7. Maximum crystal level 7 and duals Many types of armor Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Pserver 2. Fgen Sie Ihren Server in unserem deutschen Topliste Shaiya P server mehr Spieler fr Ihren Server zu erlangen. Zugelassen werden nur die Server von DE, AT, CH Shaiya top 1. Shaiya Ep 4. 5. 2.