Banners/site_0000089722_11feb5da.jpeg' alt='Ran Private Server Hack' title='Ran Private Server Hack' />Creating a Private Guest Wi. Fi Access Point DD WRT Blog Dan Joannis. Recently I was asked to configure a Wi. Fi access point for a small business, who needed to have both a private internal network, and a public guest network. There are many privacy concerns when having guests share your network. Specifically, it is desirable to Disallow access to any computers on the private network. Prevent network abuse such as P2. Tech Tool Pro 7 Torrent more. P file sharingSecure the access point itself from tampering or unauthorized access. Of course, all this needs to be done without impacting the desired service Internet access. Although I found many guides online for setting up a guest network when the access point was also the primary router, I didnt find any that worked for the intended network. So, after some trial, error, and research, I managed to get it to work. Network Topology. The following is a description of the desired network. Private LAN 1. 92. Silkroad Online sites. Silkroad Europe Cap 125Arabia Update Silkroad Europe High rate 130 cap Silkroad server with unique reborn system, item forge, unique. DHCP already provided for private addresses, Internet sourceGuest WLAN 1. DHCP server, isolated from Private LANWireless SSIDs PrivateWi. Fi in this example, InternalGuestWi. Fi in this example, GuestThere is already a wireless home router installed, sharing Internet access with the private network. We want to do two things Bridge PrivateWi. Fi to the private network. Share only the Internet connection from the private network to the GuestWi. Fi. Lets move on to the requirements. Requirements. This task requires you to have a fresh, default installation of DD WRT on any compatible router. The installation of DD WRT is beyond the scope of this article. I encourage you to consult the DD WRT Wiki to identify compatible devices and their installation procedures. FmkhT.png' alt='Ran Private Server Hack' title='Ran Private Server Hack' />You probably think you know how to keep your internet habits secret. Clearing browser history is too obvious, you say. I just do all my sketchy stuff in an. We list the best game sites on the net in more tan 25 categories. This article describes the process for integrating private guest Wi. Fi Access Points into an existing private network. If you are seeking to add a guest network to your existing router, or if you are looking for a dedicated guest AP, this is not the solution. It may help you, but continue Googling, and I am certain you will find the guide you need. Prepare the router. Connect your computer directly to the router. Open your web browser, and navigate to http 1. Since this is a fresh installation, you will need to set your administration username and password. Make it secure 2. Create and secure Wi. Fi access points. Now, begin by preparing your wireless networks. SSIDs. In Wireless Basic Settings, enter the desired name and channel for your private SSID. Click. Next, click Add, at the bottom, to add a Virtual Access Point VAP. Enter the name for your guest SSID, and click again. Multiple SSIDs can be broadcast from the same AP. The only limitation is that they must be broadcast on the same channel, if you only have one wireless radio. This impacts performance slightly. Security. In Wireless Wireless Security, type in the passwords you would like for the private and guest networks. Click. Although traditionally guest networks have no password, this means that all traffic on the guest network is unencrypted, and easily captured. It is best to create a password that you share, so that your users data is secure. Begin isolating the guest network. In Setup Networking, we will be doing a number of things to separate the guest WLAN from the private one. Under Create Bridge, click Add. Note br. 0 is already there. Do not change its settingsGive the new bridge a name, such as br. The rest of the settings are fine as they are. Click. After it refreshes, you will notice two boxes, for Network Address and Subnet Mask. Enter the desired IP address range for the new guest network. In this example, we use 1. Click. Next, we must add out guest WLAN to this bridge. Because the guest WLAN is a Virtual AP, it is named wl. So, under the Assign to Bridge section, click Add, and select br. Click. Now, onto the last step for this page. At the very bottom, there is a section called Multiple DHCP Server. In order to give IP addresses to the guest clients, we need to create another server instance. In this section, click Add, and select br. By default, it will give out up to 5. IP addresses. Finally, click. The final step for getting DHCP working is on another page. Navigate to the Services tab, add the following to the DNSmasq section, and Enables DHCP on br. Set the default gateway for br. Set the DHCP range and default lease time of 2. The reason for this is because we will be disabling the normal DHCP server in our last step, in order to incorporate the Access Point into our private network. Thus we need to configure DNSmasq as the server for the guest network. Firewall Rules. At this point, we have both private and guest wireless networks. The guest network is still not fully isolated from the private network, and doesnt have Internet access. To fix these points, and also add some security, go to the Administration Commands page, and copy and paste the following in the Command Shell Allow guest bridge access to Internet. Skype Premium Softonic Pc. I FORWARD i br. NEW j ACCEPT. I FORWARD p tcp tcp flags SYN,RST SYN j TCPMSS clamp mss to pmtu. Block access between private and guest. I FORWARD i br. NEW j DROP. I FORWARD i br. NEW j DROP. NAT to make Internet work. I POSTROUTING o br. SNAT to nvram get lanipaddr. Block torrent and p. I FORWARD p tcp s 1. DROP. iptables I FORWARD p DROP. Block guest access to router services. I INPUT i br. 1 p tcp dport telnet j REJECT reject with tcp reset. I INPUT i br. 1 p tcp dport ssh j REJECT reject with tcp reset. I INPUT i br. 1 p tcp dport www j REJECT reject with tcp reset. I INPUT i br. 1 p tcp dport https j REJECT reject with tcp reset. Note Some people have reported issues with the Block torrent and p. The limit may be too low to load modern sites, sometimes making the guest network unusable. I would recommend leaving this out unless you want to be really restrictive. Finally, click Save Firewall. Do not be tempted to change the quotes around the nvram commands. It works exactly as is. The section for blocking P2. P works by throttling the maximum number of connections made by a client. P2. P services make many connections, which significant impact network performance. So for TCP connections, it limits clients to 5. UDP they are limited to 2. Blocking router services on the guest side is a good security idea. In this example, it prevents telnet, ssh, www and https access to the router. Adding it to the private network. We are almost doneAll that is left is to include it in the private network. To begin, click the Setup tab. The following steps all need to be done in sequence. Do not click Apply Settings until the very end Disable the WAN connection, by setting the WAN Connection Type to Disabled. Change the Router IP address to something that is a in your private subnet, b not already being used. For example, if you existing router is 1. Set the Gateway and Local DNS settings to the IP address of your existing router ie. Toggle the DHCP server from Enabled to Disabled. If you want the router to keep time, enter the NTP settings. Making the connections. Now that all these settings are in place, you can reconnect your computer to your existing network. Alternatively, you can leave it connected to this router, as the wired connections will still be in the private network. Connect any of the remaining LAN ports of this guest router to your existing network. How to delete unwanted TCPIP Printer Ports. You get the port is in use error message if the port is currently assigned to a printer. It has nothing to do with print spooler its just that you cant delete a port that is already assigned to a printer. When you open properties and go to the Ports tab, you have your printers listed with headings Port, Description, Printer. Identify the printer using the port that you want to delete, exit out of printer properties window and delete the printer. Right Click on any of the remaining listed printers and select Properties if there is none left then you craft create a fake printer. Click the Ports tab. Select the port and click Delete port. Check any available port and exit out of properties window. The above will work in many cases but unfortunately not all. You may well find one of a couple of problems. One symptom is that having removed printers and exited from Devices and Printers if you re enter Devices. Printers the printers have returned. Another symptom is that Windows will not let you delete the port as described above. There are three things I have encountered which can need fixing. One is that there are print jobs queued on the printer. If this job can be cancelled that fixes that, otherwise stop and re start. The second situation is that a program in my case foxit reader is somehow associated with the printer you are trying to remove when you look through the full list of Ports. Drivers For Rm Computers. I had to un install. Foxit and only re install it after the printer situation was resolved. Thirdly you may have to go into Programs and Features and un install the software associated with the printer. Right on I also had the port still in use even though I deleted the printer. And you are right, its because the printer test page that failed to print from the bad printer install was still in the spooler That of course is a big bad Microsoft. To go around it, I exited the printer window, entered it again, the deleted printer reappeared with a yellow warning sign. Right click on it, See Whats Printing to open the spooler, right click on the stuck document, hit Cancel. The printer eventually disappears but not the spooler window nor the doc, another bug. Close that, now I can delete the port. All these very basic known bugs after all these years.