ETA General Private Limited EGPL is a Joint Venture company with Fujitsu General FGL, Japan. In the last Eight years of operations, ETA General has sold over. Small Basic Program Gallery. Program Gallery. Nonki Takahashi. I knew Microsoft Small Basic in 2. Small Basic. Then Id like to convey the fun of programming. Following list contains Small Basic programs that I made. Gallery. Game. Tic. Tac. Toe v. 0. 4 MRB5. You can choose four AI RANDOM, CENTER, RUNORSTOP, MONTECARLO and choose HUMAN for you. Tic tac toe v. 1. LBW7. 62 3. The name of AI is MINIMAX. This version outputs game record and has ability to replay the game. Chessboard 0. 2 CLP3. This is just a chessboard. You can move chessmen with mouse. Go Simulator 0. 4 PTB8. You can see AI vs AI go game and get the records as. Smart Game Format files. AIs name is Random. Its very weak and the moves are decided randomly. If you change code in line 3. Auto False then you can select Random or Human as player. Maze Game 1. 5. 6 XHL5. This is a Turtle maze race game. Use arrow keys to control Turtle. In browser, click maze first. More info. Basketball 0. TKL1. Set speed and angle then Throw Football 0. ZVL0. This is a classic football game. Use S and D keys for player 1 and K and L for player 2. In browser, click field first. Minesweeper 0. 2 FMN9. This is a classic Minesweeper game. Connect Four 0. 8 LSM6. This is a classic Connect Four game. Simon 0. 6. 1 FHV7. This is a classic Simon game. Snake Game 0. 2 ZKG4. This is a classic Snake game. DONKEY KONG in the Small Basic World 0. FGM7. 69 8. This is a simple version of classic Donkey Kong game. Trebuchet Calculator Program CSafari is a web browser developed by Apple based on the WebKit engine. First released in 2003 with Mac OS X Panther, a mobile version has been included in iOS devices. TaxCloud handles every aspect of sales tax compliance, from calculation to collection to filing and its completely free. Dieting, quick weight loss tips. Dr Fisher designs a body shaping, cellulite treatment. Skin tightening with mesotherapy, laser, lipodissolve. Offices in Bucks County. Inventions in the Ancient World. The Egyptians invented the sailing ship about 3,100 BC. The wheel was invented in Sumeria Iraq about 3,400 BC. Turtle Dodger 0. 5b QZN3. This is a vertical scroll game. Use left and right arrow keys to dodge objects. Trebuchet Calculator Program In PhpAir Hockey 0. KLB4. This is an air hockey game. Use W and S key for player 1 left and use O and L key for player 2 right. Lunar Module 1. 0 DTF3. This is an lunar landing game. Use up, left, right arrow keys. Duck. Shoot 0. 5. TLR9. 95 5. This is an duck shooting game. Use mouse click to shoot. Small Basic 0. 2b CLZ7. This is a clone of game 2. Small Basic. Use arrow keys to move tiles. Dragon vs Turtle 0. HMP8. 03 5. This is a battle game. Move mouse to rotate Turtle. Click to throw a star targeting Dragons head. You can throw 1. 0 stars at a time. Binary Quiz BGH8. Guess hexadecimal or decimal from binary. Traffic Game DHW1. Avoid accsident to control a blue car with arrow keys. Fun. Maze 1. 2 PNC8. This program generates a maze and solves with Trutle graphics. Next to generate the other maze. Start to solve it. Aquarium TKW2. 52. This program is an aquarium. Piano ZWF7. 18 1. This program is a piano. Baseball Scoreboard FVG5. This is a baseball scoreboard. Turtle Graphics 0. XVK1. 19 0. Fun program for programming Turtle to draw Graphics. You can use only three commands MOVE, PEN and TURN. Orbit 0. 5 CLJ2. Like a orbit player. Click play button, drag progress bar or hit HomeEnd keys to change date. Clock. Triangle Clock 0. CPZ0. 43. This program is a clock with triangles. Cats Eyes Clock 0. VSC5. 00 0. This program is a clock with cats eyes. Pendulum Clock 0. LBD7. 42 4. This program is a clock with a pendulum. Earth Clock 0. 3. PPH6. 81 2. This program is a clock with the north semesphere of the earth. Please select your local time city first. Game Clock 0. 2b VSC1. This program is a game clock. You can select one of three modes sudden death, Fischer delay, or Hourglass. World Clock 0. 4b BSP0. This program is a world clock. Select your city first. Or modify this program to set your city in local. City. and add information about your city into an array city if needed. Math. Calculator CA 0. B BQJ7. 10 3. This program is a calculator. Abacus 0. 6. 1 MNV3. This program is a Japanese abacus. Tool. Shapes 1. 5b XFZ6. This is a shapes editor which generates Small Basic program to draw shapes. More info. Ruler 0. PMT7. 47 2. Combine this program with your program so that you can major your design in your program. Drag to move the ruler and click to rotate it. Measure Text Width in Pixels 0. KTK9. 06 1. This program measures text width in pixels. Recommended fonts are Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS and Verdana. Detail about Small Basic Font is here. Small Basic Graphics Interpreter 0. XRZ1. 38. This program interprets Graphics. Window operations and properties typed in the Text. Window. Nearest Named Color 0. CKK0. 55 1. This program can search the nearest named color from a color number. Download All Dll Files For Gta San Andreas. Run locally for proper work. These are links to my Small Basic projects in Git. Hub Pages. Anime animation editor. Article List article list generator. Form Form editor. Icon Editor. Pictionary pictures of SB keywords. Program Database for Small Basic. SBDoc documentation tool for Small Basic. Shapes shapes SVG editor. Small Quest text base game. Small Wiki Pad wiki editor. Link. This link is for Small Basic resources. Small Basic API Reference. Introducing Small Basic introduction to programmingSmall Basic 1. Download released on July 1. Small Basic 1. 2 Download released on October 5, 2. Small Basic official siteSmall Basic Curriculum to learnThe Official Blog of Small Basic. Small Basic Program Gallery an article in official blogSmall Basic Forum developer communitySmall Basic Enthusiasts Facebook fun groupSmall Basic news and product updates tweeted by community counsilTech. Net Wiki Small Basic Portal Microsoft technologies librarySmall Basic articles in Tech. Net Wiki written by NonkiNonkit Program Art Gallery many screen shots of Small Basic programs. Copyright 2. 01. Nonki Takahashi. All rights reserved.